The motivation for this design study is the question:
Are there better ways to deliver small facilities in the City of Knox? Knox currently has a large number of small and dispersed facilities for community and sporting organisations.
These need to be upgraded, maintained and made compliant to current regulation. The stock is in various degrees of disrepair; out dated by changinrequirements, or non -compliant due to updated regulations. Delivering these facilities is highly inefficient in the conventional mode. A large number of small contracts are being let; the traditional process is time consuming; it is often difficult to alter or expand as needs change; and facilities are duplicatd or overlap due to their incremental addition.
Are there better ways to deliver small facilities in the City of Knox? Knox currently has a large number of small and dispersed facilities for community and sporting organisations.
These need to be upgraded, maintained and made compliant to current regulation. The stock is in various degrees of disrepair; out dated by changinrequirements, or non -compliant due to updated regulations. Delivering these facilities is highly inefficient in the conventional mode. A large number of small contracts are being let; the traditional process is time consuming; it is often difficult to alter or expand as needs change; and facilities are duplicatd or overlap due to their incremental addition.