This project introduces an early learning children’s facility into an existing junior school community. Its focus is on the cost effective re-purposing of an under used space in an existing building and a series of small ancillary building additions, landscape and shared spaces.

The building additions act as visual entry points into the facility, creating a relationship among the collection of existing school buildings and give the project an identity. They speak of the careful studies of the existing buildings, yard, and pitched roof domestic context and their material palette. The design responds to this in material and form while asserting its own identity with the use of colour and a scale appropriate to children’s and community facilities.

The fence to the outdoor space allows for a visual connection and interaction between the excitement of children playing in the school yard and the outdoor space. This also occurs in the shared kitchen over the experience of cooking.

The project uses sustainable principals in its re-use of materials, structure, services and equipment. This results in a greater overall project outcome from a tight budget.